The second time my husband and I had sex, which was many years ago, I had my very first real orgasm.
The female orgasm. I only read it in books growing up. I didn’t have friends who had it to describe it for me. I have always thought of it as some kind of legendary thing. It was something I never expected and when it came, I couldn’t believe it happened to me. I had previous relationships in the past but I never achieved the height of pleasure as I do with my husband.
The painful truth is: Orgasm doesn’t happen to a lot of women. A woman can get easily aroused but without the proper care and stimulation by a partner (or by herself) she can never orgasm her entire life. According to some studies about 10% of women never have an orgasm (maybe a lot of them live in the philippines haha) and 50% of women have trouble getting aroused.
On the internet, I see a lot of porn videos and erotic stories (mostly written by guys who are very tigang – who actually have very little experience in real life sex) and I see a collective misinterpretation of the female orgasm.
Guys and girls, for me, my orgasm was something that made me close my eyes in extreme waves of pleasure. It made me raise my head up to the heavens as I let it wash over my entire body. At times when we are fortunate enough to heighten our senses with cannabis, I could almost feel like flying up in the clouds and I can feel what i interpret as “god” touching my head as if to say, “there child, this is my gift to you.”
For me, orgasm is a rare, beautiful gift. When I achieved it for the first time, it was like a gate was opened for me. To a place where I can visit for a few seconds (3-5 times when I multiple orgasm).
I can’t blame the pagans long ago if they worship their gods with sexual ceremonies. The orgasm is the “high” that for a few seconds, makes you feel like you are up in the galaxies.
It really is a curious thing. Whenever I ask my husband about his own male orgasm, he describes it to me as some kind of “bullet” trying to escape, and then it’s gone. I’m not sure about any of you guys. It doesn’t quite feel like the femle orgasm. Mine were like waves that washes over my entire body, with the concentration on my clit. Sometimes I release so much fluid that they run down my husband’s balls.
The orgasm is one thing that makes me wonder about life and how precious things are sometimes treated like a dirty, naughty secrets.
So, what is your orgasm like?