Last night I almost cried thinking about what happened to you. I can’t exactly remember where it started (the almost crying part). But it has been this way during the times that I remember you. Until now, I find it hard to understand why you keep on doing it. Upon doing it, you keep on hurting yourself. I know that you see that you keep on inflicting wounds on yourself every time you do it which is unnecessary. But you do it anyway…
I told you that if you’re not co-dependent with this guy then that’s the time we will meet. But I guess by saying that, I’m indirectly telling you that it will never happen. Let me explain further. You see, when time comes that you get over him, someone will come along and replace that guy in your heart. Then once again you’ll be in that situation again. Then you will share to me about this new found love of yours, and you will say again the phrase “here’s the catch” and I know already what you mean. STOP THIS DESTRUCTIVE CYCLE. Furthermore, you have this perception that when we meet, it’ll be all physical which is very untrue. I want you to understand and see that you are a very desirable woman even if you do not give yourself physically. If I’m drawn to you even if we didn’t see in person, it only means that you are easy to love and very well accepted as a person and as a BEING. You are not an object of lust; those men who used you and throw you away are not worthy of you. They’re not even worthy to be considered your friends. Friends do not take advantage of your vulnerability. You are not garbage and you do not deserve to be treated like one. You are valuable, significant, and a human being. You should be treated like a collection of handmade china earthenware. You are worth dying for (I told you this several times). That means you are not cheap and you do not deserve to be treated like one. You are a priceless woman and there’s nothing and no one like you. So treat yourself like one. You deserve it…
Friend (yes I consider you as one though you gave up on me), stop this cycle. It’s been ruining you forever. Remember you told me “ask and you shall receive (and I’m going to take this one out of context),” but here’s what I have to say to you, “seek and you shall find.” Seek deep inside of you what you truly desire. Do not be afraid of what you will find. It may be ugly, it may even hurt you but in the end it will help you. I know that if you really face what you need to face, you’ll be happy about your situation. Yes you are right to say that you already accepted your situation. But you are not happy about it. Settle this first and do it ASAP…
STOP RUINING YOURSELF. Think about all the people that truly love you and care for you. Think about “her.” You’re her hero and she’s really looking up to you. She needed you and your undivided attention. Do not even think that what you’re doing will not affect her. By this, you will protect yourself from those savage men. Settle whatever issue with your mom. She loves you dearly. That’s why she gave up her job because of you. If you continue ruining yourself, you will hit rock bottom…
I may not make sense right now, you may want to hate me for saying these things to you, you may not want a friend like me who keeps on bugging you of your mistakes and what you should be doing to straighten your life, but you need a friend like me. It may not be me as a person but I pray that someone will come along and do the same things I’m doing because you really need a “true friend” and you deserve one. I’m not forever gonna do this so you can breathe. While I still have time, I’m going to say these things to you over and over again. Someday, you will understand. When that someday comes, you will remember me and say to yourself that I am right. When that someday comes, I hope it’s not too late for you, and I hope you did well in your journey…
So do us a favour, stop making your life and my life miserable. You deserve all the happiness that the world can offer. You are worth dying for…