Hi Peeps! I have been a lurker for almost 4 years now. I discovered this site out of boredom and curiosity.
For a period of time, this site served me one purpose only – to sexually aroused my mind. Stories of Miss Kantot gave me incredible imaginations. Cheers to Hunnybun too.
True, this is an erotica site. We visit sites like this to read or share sexual fantasies that we cannot do in real life. Probably some of us could or already did yet some are just content by reading it. Recently, I noticed that the stories that are being posted here are not all erotic anymore. There are feelings involved. I can feel their emotions – their pain, their love, their lust, their loss. I can feel the author’s being on the stories I read. I can relate.. make me belong. This site grew up not just sexually but emotionally as well.
Dropdeaddiva, undeniably_hot, ms_stress, sweet~AK47, r, succubus, lady tony — thank you guys. Thanks for the feelings you give readers like me when we read your post. Fiction or non-fiction, it does not matter. You guys steer human emotions that most of us ran away from when faced in reality. Pain make us real – it make us strong.
Wish_Trish and f-13 — you two are unbelievable writers.
Dog_star and koi-san (burgermcdo) — you made me cry. I was touched.
Kathy — I admire your courage not to hide what you feel.
Compliments to all authors who shared and will share their stories here. I may not named you all but know that all are appreciated.